A Love Letter to Winter

Snowy Cabin in Winter in Winthrop Washington

My dearest winter,

For so long I had avoided you, steered clear of your bitter cold, your biting wind, your damp and yet somehow dry days. I stayed cozy inside with a good book and a hot cup of tea, feet warm in my Uggs and layers wrapped around my shoulders.

But then you tempted me outside. First with thick snow weighing down the evergreens. Then with your sunny days and blue skies and something new called fresh powder. After just a few moments, I wanted more of you. You see, I’m from the mid-Atlantic coast, where winter looks brown and blah, more dry, dead leaves than anything evergreen. But when you offered feet upon feet of snow, I learned you were deeper than a sheet of black ice making the evening commute a nightmare.

And so I strapped on thin skis, stocked up on layers of merino that I could shed as my heart rate warmed my body, and I hit your snow-covered trails. I wanted more, so each weekend I drove over scary, snowy mountain passes to find you. And just as quickly as you came, you melted away. While you left behind the promise of spring, I’m already longing for your return.

xo, Jenny

Snow Covered Trees Winthop Washington
Jennifer Carr

I specialize in mentoring and retreats that focus on creative self-expression through photography. I'd love to help you connect with your inner artist through personalized lessons and immersive experiences. Explore my workshops and retreats at The Saltwater Retreat and Mentoring & Lessons.

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