Helios Imperfection

helios, garden, virginia beach

It's a dirty old lens.  Heavy for it's size, manual focus, and flawed.  Wide open it creates a crazy ghosting, a white flash over your image.  But, if you can find it's sweet spot, you can have some fun.  The bokeh is amazingly circular, the flare is magical.

helios, garden, virginia beach

helios, garden, virginia beach

I took the Helios into the backyard for a few moments on quiet in the late afternoon light.  The sun was just getting ready to fall behind the high trees in the wetlands behind our home.  I had just a few moments left.

helios, garden, virginia beach

helios, garden, virginia beach

The color produced by the Helios never ceases to amaze me.  It's warm and rich yet also muted and subtle.

helios, garden, virginia beach

helios, garden, virginia beach

I've chosen to ignore the specs of dust, I've embraced the spectacular flaws.  Why should I expect perfection out of a lens when I allow myself the forgiveness of imperfection?

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Jennifer Carr

I specialize in mentoring and retreats that focus on creative self-expression through photography. I'd love to help you connect with your inner artist through personalized lessons and immersive experiences. Explore my workshops and retreats at The Saltwater Retreat and Mentoring & Lessons.

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Opinions, Rules, and Editing


Last Light... and Breaking the Binds