Nostalgia and a Ferry Ride
Seattle from the Bainbridge Island Ferry, November 2023
There is something so peaceful about taking a ferry. Perhaps because I grew up around boats, I feel a strong connection to being out in the open water. In the Seattle area, there is certainly no shortage of ferry rides and I’ve set a goal to take as many as I can over the next year.
On a sunny day last November as autumn was holding on tight, we set out on the ferry to Bainbridge Island. It wasn’t meant to be a photography outing, more of a day date to explore. But, of course, I brought my camera to get just a few shots.
Seattle waterfront, November 2023
I don’t typically see the world in black and white and blue skies in Seattle always call for color, but as I was shooting, I thought about the tones, lines, light, and shadow and how well these scenes would look in monochrome.
Puget Sound from the Bainbridge Island Ferry, November 203
Perhaps it was nostalgia that made me feel this way. The memory of childhood boat rides to Waterside, tucking up under the dash of the boat to hide from the wind when the sun went behind the clouds. Or perhaps I just felt like trying something new.
Playing, experimenting, asking myself “what if?” These are my goals for 2024. In addition to taking a lot more ferry rides.
Downtown Seattle, November 2023
The Puget Sound, November 2023