Serenity in the Storm

Serenity is not freedom from the storm; but peace amid the storm.” ― S A Jefferson-Wright

blue skies, blue water, virginia beach photography

There is always a storm.  Maybe not a literal storm, but a storm of chaos, stress, hardships, sadness.  Publicly, the passed week has been a storm of separation.  Personally, I've been in a storm of to-dos.  I have friends in storms of health concerns.  Others in storms of depression.  Each person has a battle that they are fighting.  Some fight it publicly, while others internalize and struggle in quiet.

My wish for each of you in your storm is to find a moment of peace.  A simple pleasure in your day.  Maybe for you, it's a cup of coffee before the chaos of the day begins.  For me, it's a simple, quiet walk beside the ocean.  Find those gentle moments of serenity and come back to them again and again.  Hold on to those moments for dear life.

Jennifer Carr

I specialize in mentoring and retreats that focus on creative self-expression through photography. I'd love to help you connect with your inner artist through personalized lessons and immersive experiences. Explore my workshops and retreats at The Saltwater Retreat and Mentoring & Lessons.

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On the Morning of 38