Day Hiking Maple Pass Loop Trail in Washington's North Cascades National Park
Sometimes it seems that no matter how early you arrive at the trail, everyone else has already beat you there. When you decide to day hike Washington’s most popular trail on a Saturday the weekend of the 4th of July, you get what you bargained for. Despite the throngs of crowds (my friend Julie referred to this as people soup), we never felt overwhelmed by people on the trail. There was always plenty of space, respect, and awareness from our fellow hikers which thankfully gave me the opportunity to immerse myself in this wild and rugged landscape and photograph the views rather than the crowds.
Maple Pass Loop is a breathtaking trail through North Cascades National Park. Offering incredible 360º views of the peaks, there is no shortage of awe and wonder to be had. Taking our time on the uphill climb to enjoy the views and not hyperventilate, we marveled at the various shades of green and yellow dotting the mountainsides with trees, grasses, a few wildflowers, and other flora. The jagged mountain peaks of varying shapes and sizes, snow lingering from the harsh winter that closes the road to this trailhead most of the months of the year.
There is something indescribable about being on a trail. There is no single word that conveys the feelings of standing deep in the belly of nature, away from the things and dings and distractions. Photographs help. Nature documentaries hint at the experience. But until you stand on the edge of a rock, staring in wonder at the glacial fed lake in a color you thought only Crayola could create, you can’t possibly understand.
There are tons of trip reports on the hike, so I will spare you the details and simply say this is an incredible day hike, moderately challenging uphill with a super steep downhill. Drink lots of water, eat lots of snacks, and don’t be afraid to stop and enjoy the views as often as you can.
iPhone panorama
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