Our Month in Ecuador- Mitad del Mundo: Middle of the Earth

2018.08.15 Mitad del Mundo Quito Ecuador © Jennifer Carr Photography-10.jpg

No visit to the capital city of Ecuador is complete without a stop at La Mitad del Mundo. The Middle of the Earth is a statue and tourist area marking almost the exact spot where the equator cuts the earth in half. Unfortunately the line is falsely marked and the true equator lies about 250 meters away. But, we couldn’t resist the opportunity to straddle the line anyway.

2018.08.15 Mitad del Mundo Quito Ecuador © Jennifer Carr Photography-5.jpg
2018.08.15 Mitad del Mundo Quito Ecuador © Jennifer Carr Photography-6.jpg
2018.08.15 Mitad del Mundo Quito Ecuador © Jennifer Carr Photography-8.jpg
2018.08.15 Mitad del Mundo Quito Ecuador © Jennifer Carr Photography-9.jpg

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Jennifer Carr

I specialize in mentoring and retreats that focus on creative self-expression through photography. I'd love to help you connect with your inner artist through personalized lessons and immersive experiences. Explore my workshops and retreats at The Saltwater Retreat and Mentoring & Lessons.

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Our Month in Ecuador- A Weekend at Cotopaxi National Park


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