Our Month in Ecuador- Exploring Downtown Quito
Old Town Quito, Ecuador
Ecuador’s capital city, Quito is a beautiful city. Sitting at almost 10,000 feet, Quito is higher in elevation than most places in the United States. Mountain peaks surround the city, often trapping it under a veil of clouds. Rich with history, Quito is the least altered historic center in Latin America and the first UNESCO World Heritage Site.
On the south end of Quito’s Old Town, situated overlooking the city is El Panecillo, a high hill housing an aluminum madonna statue, La Virgen de Quito.
La Virgen de Quito on El Panecillo, Quito, Ecuador
We spent an afternoon wandering the city, admiring the ancient architecture, avoiding the protests and police barricades, and ducking in and out of chocolate shops.
In the heart of Quito, stands the Basilica del Voto Nacional. Construction of this incredible church began in 1890 and it is a constant work in progress. Inspired by Notre Dame, rumor has it if the basilica is ever completed, the world will come to an end.
For a small donation, you are able to climb to the top of the towers to see an incredible view of the city below.
Basílica del Voto Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
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