Our Month in Ecuador- More Hummingbirds Than You Can Imagine

One of the highlights of our visit to the Bellavista Reserve was the abundance of hummingbirds. There were so many birds that it was difficult to focus on just one! But after getting my bearings and observing the birds for a few minutes, I was able to see patterns as they flittered between the trees, flowers, and feeders that the reserve hung in harmony with the natural environment.
The guides at Bellavista informed us that there are 14 species of hummingbirds commonly seen in the cloud forest. I am not sure if we were lucky enough to see all of the species on this list, but we saw many of them!
Tawny-bellied Hermit
Fawn-breasted Brilliant
Booted Racket-tail
Green Violetear
Collared Inca
Violet-tailed Sylph
Sparkling Violetear
Buff-tailed Coronet
Purple-throated Woodstar
Andean Emerald
Gorgeted Sunangel
Wedge billed Hummingbird
Speckled Hummingbird
Purple-bibbed Whitetip

More shares from our trip to Ecuador:

I specialize in mentoring and retreats that focus on creative self-expression through photography. I'd love to help you connect with your inner artist through personalized lessons and immersive experiences. Explore my workshops and retreats at The Saltwater Retreat and Mentoring & Lessons.
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